
Rehearsals have recommenced and we are looking forward to a wonderful program of events for 2025 and “Providing musical enjoyment and entertainment in the Redlands”.

We welcome new players at all times and we would love to have you come along and have a go as we have a range of these ensembles from beginner to advanced levels to suit you.

If you are interested in improving your skills and meeting new friends, why not come along to our rehearsals and see what you think.  The times for these are listed under “our bands”.  No auditions are required and we offer attendance at three rehearsals before we ask for fees to be paid.

Please feel free to contact us at redlandcitybands@gmail.com or telephone Mr. Peter Francis,  finalist in the Redland City Council’s Australia Day 2024 Awards in the Cultural Award section, on 38245808 for more information.

Be ready for an exciting new Calendar of Events in 2025.

Our Big Band is very excited to be part of the new Stage Door Sessions series at RPAC and will be playing there on Thursday 13 February at 7.30pm. Tickets can be booked at Stage Door Sessions – Redland Big Band

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